Wedding Celebration of Ayu Sadilla & Muhammad Jafar SR Documentation of the Golek Puppet Performance by Putra Giriharja3 by the Puppeteer H. Dadan Sunandar Sunarya Location: Babakan Village, Depok Rt/w. 04/02, Sirnagalih Village, Bayongbong District, Garut Regency Don't forget to provide support, suggestions & criticisms to build the PGH3 Channel to be more active in uploading videos and to find out the schedule of the PGH3 Wayang Golek performance, you can search on the Dadan Sunandar Sunarya Facebook page: / dadansunandars PLAYLIST Warung Abah Dadan • WARUNG ABAH DADAN Carita Wayang Rakyat (CWR) • Carita Wayang Rakyat [CWR] also check @PGH3 Musik / @pgh3musik For Wayang Golek Performance Jobs, you can contact PGH3 Management directly: Neng Wayang with number: 081320207341 Pak Djajang Rukmana with WA number: 082295013345 Ulah Hilap SUBSCRIBE, LIKE, COMMENT, TICK THE BELL #putragiriharja3 #wayang golek #pgh3 #DadanSunandarSunaryaLatest2021BobodoranHancipTiwikramaCwr2 #HancipTiwikrama #pghchannel3 #wayanggolekbodoran #dadansunandarsunarya #dadansunarya #puppeteerdadan #wayanggolekasepsunandarsunarya #wayanggolekasepsunandarsunaryafull #wayanggolekasepsunandar #wayanggolekasepsunandarsunaryabobodoran #wayanggolekasepsunandar #wayanggolekasepsunandarsunaryalucu #dadansunandarsunaryaterbaru2021 #dadansunandarsunaryabobodoran #dadansunandarsunaryaterbaru2019 #dadansunandarsunaryafull #dadansunandarsunaryalive #dadansunandarsunaryaterbaru #CWR #FolkStory #Cepot #WayangHancip