Hello everyone! Grilled ham hock First, you need to add flavor to the hock, I do this with a syringe and marinade Marinade -300 ml dark beer -2 tablespoons sriracha sauce -2 tablespoons salt Mix well and syringe the hock Place the hock over indirect heat and smoke at 110-130 degrees to an internal temperature of 65-75 degrees Then transfer to a tray, add the remaining marinade and 200 ml apple juice Cover with foil and bring to an internal temperature of 95 degrees Enjoy everyone Link to the heat separator for the charcoal grill https://grili.store/product/otsekatel... Link to a delicious TG channel https://t.me/grill_bbq Link to the syringe https://grili.store/?s=Шпиц&post_typ...