The service from the Old Testament is in some ways the basis of today's New Testament service. For example, the reading of scripture shows some parallels. Already in the first centuries, Christians wrote down the prayers that are used today in Orthodox services. From the Orthodox perspective by Pastor Alexej Veselov ++++++++++++++++++++ Support my work https://orthodoxinfo.de/index.php/foe... Christ.-orth. Information center IBAN: DE70 4405 0199 0911 0065 70 BIC: DORTDE33XXX PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?cmd=_s... My books: https://www.edition-hagia-sophia.de/s... Website: https://orthodoxinfo.de/ YouTube: / orthmedien +++++++++++++++++++ Worship service, Orthodox worship service, Eucharist, order of worship, Early Christian worship service, Christianity worship service, New Testament worship service, Old Testament worship service, Liturgy, Eucharistic prayer, Creed, Agape, Agape meal, Love meal, Communion, Sacrament, Christian mystery