The Orthodox Church was founded in the year 33 by Jesus Christ. Its birth hour was Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles. Today it consists of 15 autocephalous churches which together form the one Orthodox Church. From the Orthodox perspective by Pastor Alexej Veselov ++++++++++++++++++++ Support my work https://orthodoxinfo.de/index.php/foe... Christ.-Orth. Information Center IBAN: DE70 4405 0199 0911 0065 70 BIC: DORTDE33XXX PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?cmd=_s... My books: https://www.edition-hagia-sophia.de/s... Website: https://orthodoxinfo.de/ YouTube: / orthmedien +++++++++++++++++++ What is the Orthodox Church? Who are Orthodox people? When did the Orthodox Church come into being? When was the Orthodox Church founded? Who founded the Orthodox Church? When did the Catholic and Orthodox churches separate? How many Orthodox churches are there?