İbrahim Kalın and “Our Own Sky” continues where it left off to make you think and open the door to new horizons in its unique style. In this episode, the questions “What does it mean to know thyself?”, “What does it mean for the one who knows his self to know his Lord?”, “Are a person’s self and himself the same thing?” find answers. İbrahim Kalın, who opens the door to new horizons by touching on different topics every week, answers the questions “What does it mean to know thyself?”, “What does it mean for the one who knows his self to know his Lord?”, “Are a person’s self and himself the same thing?” İbrahim Kalın mainly said the following; “What does it mean to know thyself?”, “What does it mean for the one who knows his self to know his Lord?”, “Are a person’s self and himself the same thing?” In ancient Greece, the phrase “Know thyself” was written at the entrance to the Temple of Delphi in Athens. Socrates and Plato dwelled on this subject at length. This is a saying that obviously goes back to the pre-Socratic period, but it probably found one of its most distinguished expressions in the philosophy of Socrates and Plato. Later, Aristotle and others continued this tradition, that is, the philosophical teaching about what this saying means, but especially when you look at Socrates and Plato and the general intellectual framework of ancient Greek thought, it starts from the idea that the most important quest of man is to answer questions about himself. Man can investigate the universe, examine the cosmos, creation, objects, beings and other things, but the biggest question that really matters is the question man asks himself; Who am I? If man collects physical and scientific information about the existence of the universe and objects, but cannot answer the question of who I am, that information cannot go beyond being information, or even useless information. The purpose of that information should ultimately be to answer the question of who am I, what am I, what should I do to know myself. When you look at the pre-Socratic philosophers, known as the pre-Socratics, and other ancient philosophers such as Pythagoras, Parmenides, etc., their philosophical programs center on a search for the universe. What are the constituent elements of the universe? Is it fire, water, earth, or emptiness? What kind of being is the universe? How does it work? How did the thing we call the cosmos come into being? The word cosmos also means order, harmony. One of the meanings of the word in Greek is beauty. How did we move from chaos to cosmos, from chaos to this beautiful harmony and order? What provided this, who provided it? Presocratic philosophers seek answers to the question. By the way, let me also say this in parentheses (this meaning of the word cosmos that is beautiful, that is, what is harmonious is beautiful and what is beautiful is harmonious, continues in the word cosmetic in modern languages.) Cosmetics actually means beautiful; materials that people use to become beautiful, that is, etc. other things… Continued in our video… Come, Let's Walk Together... #ibrahimkalın #ourownskydome #mymecra ???? Don't Forget to Subscribe to our Channel: http://bit.ly/BeraberWuruyelim MyMecra's other playlists: ????What is the Topic? - Uğur Işılak & Serdar Tuncer: https://bit.ly/KonuNedir ????Say Your Trouble Hayati İnanç: https://bit.ly/DerdiniSoyle ????Our Own Sky İbrahim Kalın: https://bit.ly/İbrahimKalin ????Listen To What Ömer Tuğrul İnançer: https://bit.ly/DinleNeyden ????Success Requires a Price Nurullah Genç: https://bit.ly/BasariBedelIster ????Road Map Yusuf Kaplan: https://bit.ly/YusufKaplan ????Someone One Day Serdar Tuncer: https://bit.ly/BiriBirGun ????There Is a Matter Serdar Tuncer & Orhan Karaağaç: https://bit.ly/BiMeseleVar ????I Climbed the Plum Branch Ahmet Özhan: https://bit.ly/CiktimErikDalina ????Son33 Orhan Karaağaç: https://bit.ly/SON33 ????Out of the Blue: https://bit.ly/CatKapi ????Glances Bertan Rona: https://bit.ly/Bakislar You can follow us on our social media addresses below ???? Facebook: / mymecra ???? İnstagram: / mymecra ???? Twitter: / mymecra ???? Website: http://mymecra.com/ Platforms where you can follow our programs as PODCAST: ???? Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4Oz7kuV... ???? Anchor: https://anchor.fm/mymecra ???? Google Podcast: http://bit.ly/MymecraPodcast