“Even in the mud, the lotus blooms. The flowers and leaves face upward and have the property of repelling mud and water. Regardless of how dirty their surroundings are, they bloom cleanly. The grass on the roadside does not depend on anyone to live. It simply lives its life in harmony with the world according to the laws of nature, as it was born to do. Who can live my life for me? Who can complete my life for me? Only I can do that.” If you quietly close your eyes and listen repeatedly, it will be engraved in your heart even more. [Video order] 00:00 Start 22:06 Repeat play (If you quietly close your eyes and listen repeatedly, it will be engraved in your heart even more.) Thank you so much for finding the shoulders of giants and watching. I hope that this content will be of some help to those who watch it for healing and enlightenment. I always cheer for your safe and happy life. This video was created based on the author’s views based on the words of the saints and the contents of philosophy that I learned. You may not copy and use the contents of this article without the author's consent. #LifePhilosophy #LifeAdvice #Audiobook #Reading #Audiobook #Quotes #GoodWriting #WisdomofLife #Worry #Concern #Fear #Relationship #DharmaWheel #Buddhism #MonkBeopjeong #Audiobook #HumanRelationships #OldAge #OldEarth #Regret #Sleep #WhenSleeping #EvenWhileSleeping #Bankruptcy #OldAgeBankruptcy #AbsurdLuck #Enjoy #PreparingForOldAge