Despite criticism from foreign parties, the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party (LSDP), which forms the ruling majority, signed a coalition agreement with "Nemunas Aušra" and the Democratic Union "Vardan Lietuvos" on Monday. Vilija Blinkevičiūtė, the leader of the social democrats who won the elections, was happy with the ruling majority. On the news portal tv3.lt's show "Dienos pjūvis", an interview with the chairman of "Nemunos ausra" Remigius Žemaitaič and the representative of social democrats Algird Sys about how he assesses accusations of anti-Semitism. --- You can find more of our television videos: https://play.tv3.lt Read video reports and news: https://www.tv3.lt Follow us on Facebook: / tv3televizija Follow us on Instagram: / tv3_lt