There are quite a few beliefs about catching perch. We will take these in turn with Péter Bosánszky, who was accompanied by Robi Hipszki to the Deseda, the first Jadabo fishing this year. You will catch more with us!???? https://jadabo.com/ 0:00 We got into the water on the Deseda, which is one of the favorite waters of both the world champion and the federal champion when it comes to still water diving. When our big rivers are flowing, their first thought is always this lake. 2:15 Is the strength of the notch important for hooking a perch? 5:05 What kind of hook, bib, clip and line worked for Péter Bosánszky for diving? 10:54 What is the winning driving technique? What mistakes can be made? 18:00 How does sonar help us and which one? As usual, we also offer products from the Jadabo Fishin' online store related to the video ➡ ???? https://jadabo.com/horgaszfelszereles... ???? https://jadabo.com/jadabo-halmero-sza... ???? https:/ /jadabo.com/horgaszfelszereles... ???? https://jadabo.com/technologia/szonar... #jadabofishing #velünktöbbetfogsz #süllő #horgaszat #deseda #bosánszkypéter #hipskírobert