Knowing these signs will make you much more confident and take accurate actions in this clinical scenario, which is probably the most common and certainly one of the most important emergencies in life. To make sure you assimilate as many concepts of acute abdomen as possible on x-ray, in today's class we will do a really cool dynamic, we will interact in real time! So, I strongly recommend that you watch the class on TV or computer and have your cell phone at hand while you do it! Sign up using the link below and receive an invitation to the next X-ray and CT Lives: https://vocerradiologista.com/lives/ TOPICS OF THIS CLASS: Which exam to order in a patient with acute abdomen / Which is the acute abdomen series? Interrupted colon sign Rigler's sign Coffee bean sign Double bubble sign Sentinel loop sign Soccer ball sign Dome sign Ladder step sign Subdiaphragmatic air sign Bead necklace sign Coin stacking sign (controversial, lol) Fingerprint sign Share this video! =D Comment below which part of the class you liked the most and feel free to ask questions. OUR SOCIAL MEDIA: Follow Dr. João on Instagram (@vocerradiologista): / vocerradiologista Join the Telegram Group: https://t.me/vocerradiologista Subscribe to the YouTube channel: / @vocerradiologista Facebook page: / vocerradiologista