The story begins in the United States of America, specifically in the state of New Mexico. When Byron Sean Chubbuck grew up and was raised in a family with poor financial conditions, he felt that the injustice and marginalization that his family and relatives had suffered had to end at this point. Therefore, he took a step that would change the course of his life forever! ---------------------------- Don't forget to activate the bell to receive all the new stuff first -------------- Previous episodes: Imagine seeing a thief climbing into your apartment on the tenth floor, this is what actually happened! • Imagine seeing a thief climbing into your apartment on the t... A group of thieves stole a million dollars in 54 seconds! • A group of thieves stole a million dollars in 54 seconds... A fugitive wanted by justice attributed the charges to himself to escape! • A fugitive wanted by justice attributed the charges to himself to... Two prisoners planned their escape from prison via a video call! • Two prisoners planned their escape from prison via... An escaped prisoner left the main prison door! • Escaped prisoner walked out the main prison door! The store clerk who baffled Oklahoma State investigators! • The store clerk who baffled Oklahoma State investigators... A fugitive wanted by justice, three military institutions collaborated to hunt him down! • A fugitive wanted by justice, three institutions collaborated... A fugitive sought by the FBI in 4 states! • A fugitive sought by the FBI in 4 states! A car salesman wanted by justice baffled police and investigators! • A fugitive sought by the FBI in 4 states! ----------------------------- My social media accounts Instagram Alkhulaifi_88 Tiktok Alkhulaifi_88 Snapchat Alkhulaifi_88 X Alkhulaifi_8 ------------------------------ Introduction 00:01 Beginning of the story 01:02 End of the story 34:37 Conclusion 33:52 #Abdullah_Alkhulaifi #عبدالله_الخليفة