FRYKTORIES, in collaboration with EMAEM, present the speech: "'THE MECHANISM OF ANTIKYTHERES AND THE OLYMPIC GAMES". Speaker: Xenophon D. Mousas (retired Professor of Space Physics at the University of Athens) The speech took place on September 27, 2024, at the 'Friends of the People Society' (M. Benefactors' Hall). Organization: Society for the Study of Ancient Greek Mythology (EMAEM). FRYKTORIES was present as a sponsor of communication and audio-visual documentation. .------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------. BRIEF SPEECH PRESENTATION The Antikythera Mechanism is the oldest known gear machine, the oldest digital computer operating on the unique numbering system. It was designed, programmed with the gears based on the laws of physics, as they were understood in antiquity, from the time of Pythagoras onwards and to a lesser extent from the end of the Paleolithic era (see astronomical orientation of Seslkos buildings, 6500-6000 BC X.). The mechanism was probably also an astronomical clock with continuous movement. It was also a planetarium, as can be seen from its user manual which extensively mentions the movements of the planets, i.e. the laws of motion of each planet. The Antikythera Mechanism determines when the Olympic games are held with an eight-year luni-solar calendar, the octetary, a period of coordination between Earth, Sun, Moon and Venus. The Oktaetiris, as this period is called, includes two Olympiads. The eight-year calendar is prehistoric, and the octogenarian must have long predated the beginning of the counting of the Olympic games. The eight-year term of various presidents today is a continuation of the tradition of the reign of Minoan. .------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------. BIOGRAPHY: Xenophon Dion. Mousas Xenophon Dionysiou Mousas is an astronomer and one of the protagonists of the study of the oldest computer, the Antikythera Mechanism. He is a retired Professor of Space Physics at the University of Athens. He was a senior visiting research fellow at Imperial College (3 months each year for 20 years), professor at the University of Mexico, Director of the Astrophysics Laboratory, Director of the University of Athens Observatory, Vice President of the Physics Department, Director of the Astrophysics Department. Visiting professor at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, three times, Visiting researcher at the Paris Observatory (Laboratoire d'études spatiales et d'instrumentation en astrophysique) and Visiting researcher at the Max-Planck-Institut für Sonnensystemforschung (Max-Planck-Institut für Sonnensystemforschung) in Germany. He is a member of the Board of Directors. of the Union of Greek Physicists. NASA Award. American Geophysical Society Award. Honorary Doctor of the International Academy of Education and Sciences of Ukraine. Author of five books (one published in Russian, ready for publication in French, Bulgarian and Albanian): Antikythera Mechanism, PINAX, Hellenic Physical Society Publishing House, Athens, 2011, 2012 (2nd edition). Антикитерский Механизм, Antikythera Mechanism, the oldest computer and mechanical World, Canto Mediterraneo, 2018. The Antikythera Mechanism "Table" The first mechanical universe The oldest computer and astronomical instrument (forthcoming) The Antikythera Mechanism (in Bulgarian, forthcoming ) Mekanizmit Antikythera, (in Albanian, in progress) Antikythera Mechanism (in progress) Author of 120 articles in peer-reviewed international scientific journals, 200 in international conferences, 100 in Greek journals and interviews. Author of all the astronomical entries of the Educational Encyclopedia of Athens Publishing House. He has given 1000 speeches, dozens of exhibitions about the Antikythera mechanism in 15 languages all over the world (at NASA, UNESCO, Museums, Schools, Universities, Planetariums). Supervised 40 doctoral theses at the University of Athens, Observatoire de Paris, Imperial College, Universities of Alexandria, Cairo, Max Planck Sonnensystem. Conducts research in Space Physics, Sun, Planets, Antikythera Mechanism Satellites, history of astronomy and philosophy of science. It participates in many space experiments of NASA and ESA. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------- For any information or complaint, please inform us at the main website: http://www.fryktories.net -------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------