Video: USP MAP What is the University City like? Access the plans for our Online Physics Course: https://geovannisz.github.io/COF/ You can see the complete map in high resolution through this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1z8-h... Pre-Group Link for our Physics Course: https://chat.whatsapp.com/EgKB4qFArzF... In this video, Geovanni, one of the two Physicists, talks about the USP University City on the Butantã campus, showing and explaining the complete map of USP. It is extremely important that you watch this video if you are interested in being part of the more than 96 thousand students who study there, because almost everyone gets lost in the first few days when walking around the USP campus. The Armando de Salles Oliveira University City (CUASO) is home to the University of São Paulo (USP), and is part of the capital's campus. It is located in the West Zone of the city of São Paulo, in the Butantã neighborhood. The University City is home to most of the university's teaching, research, and extension units. USP's central offices, such as the rector's office and the vice-rectories, are also located there. The University City has more than eight million square meters. We really hope you enjoyed this video! Also check out: 8 PARADOXES THAT WILL BUG YOUR MIND! • 8 PARADOXES THAT WILL BUG YOUR MIND! 5 REASONS NOT TO STUDY EXACT SCIENCES AT USP • 5 REASONS NOT TO STUDY EXACT SCIENCES AT USP 5 REASONS TO STUDY PHYSICS • 5 REASONS TO STUDY PHYSICS Instagram: Geovanni: @geoo_garciaa Henrique: @henriquereis6 Thank you very much for your support!