'Gebed des HEREN', sonata for organ, opus 65 no. VI/I Chorale (00:00) and Variations (verses 4 - 01:22 verses 8 - 03:17 verses 9 - 06:09 verses 10 - 07:45) by F. Mendelssohn, sung by Christian Choir Jigdaljahu conducted by Bert Noteboom during the concert of October 7, 2023 in the Grote Kerk of Dordrecht. You can transfer your donation via: https://betaalaanvraag.rabobank.nl/bet... pmZQauM7qyewl-vIQ F. Mendelssohns 'Gebed des HEEREN' performed by Christian Choir Jigdaljahu conducted by Bert Noteboom at the Grote Kerk Dordrecht, the Netherlands on October 7th 2023. Choir: Christelijk Koor Jigdaljahu Conductor: Bert Noteboom Organ: Marco den Toom Composer: F. Mendelssohn ©️Christelijk Koor Jigdaljahu ©️STH Records Released on: 2023-12-02 Lyrics: 1. O most high Majesty, Who in the kingdom of glory has the heavens as Your throne. We humbly call upon You, in Your Son, Who has done enough for us, as our Father. 4. Thy will be done, Thy will alone, as in heaven, here below; Thy will is always wise and good; It is majesty, all that Thou doest; That everyone quietly rests therein, and do Thy commands with pleasure. 8. Deliver us from the power of evil; Protect, and strengthen us by Thy power: We are very weak, his strength is great; So we are in need at every moment; Herein come flesh and world; Ai, strengthen us then, and set us free. 9. For Thine is the Kingdom, o LORD, Thine is the power, Thine is all the glory. Thou, who wilt and canst help us, Who, in Thy Son, grants us an answer, Who by Thy Spirit comforts and guides us, To Thee be the praise in eternity. 10. Yes, Amen, faithful Father, yes! It is finished on Golgotha! Our heart, o God, who sees all, condemns us not in the approach; It says, since G' pays attention to our prayers, faithful Amen to the prayer. Yes, amen faithful Father, yes! It is finished on Golgotha! YouTube channels: Bert Noteboom / bertnoteboom Marco den Toom / marcodentoommusicus Lennart Morée / @lennartmoree3602 #PrayersoftheLord #mendelssohn #organsonata #Jigdaljahu #MarcodenToom #BertNoteboom