My website for paid legal services http://odessa-urist.od.ua/state Lawyer: Nikiforchuk Taras Valerievich tel. +38 (048) -787-43-76; +38 (063) -618-60-35; +38 (098) -287-35-19 E-mail: [email protected] Skype: taras198526 ADVERTISERS I will be happy to advertise you on my channel, write [email protected] The lawyer told, a will or a deed of gift, which is better? In this video I want to talk about all the pros and cons of a will and a deed of gift. The first and main thing is the moment the right of ownership arises. When giving a gift, the right of ownership arises immediately. But you will also have to pay taxes, if any, plus utilities immediately. When drawing up a will, the right of ownership arises only after the death of the testator. And naturally, while the person is alive, you should not pay utility bills and taxes for housing. The cost of re-registering real estate is in any case higher than the cost of drawing up a will. The procedure for canceling - challenging a will. With a will, everything is very simple, only the one who makes a will has the right to change the will at least every day, while you will not know that the will has changed. It can simply be canceled. In my practice, I have encountered such courts. If the gift cannot be canceled, only through the court. And then through the court it is possible to cancel only if the person who donated the apartment was under physical or moral pressure, he was intimidated or he was not aware of his actions. In practice, this is very difficult to do. Do you want to get advice from a lawyer (attorney), a lawyer told, a will or a deed of gift, which is better, watch my video. #tarasyurist #yuristodessa #advocate #lawyer #odessalawyer #lawyerconsultation #yuristonline