Hijrah & Istiqomah How can we be steadfast in Hijrah in following the path of Allah Study After Maghrib Friday, February 14, 2020 Al-Multazam Cherry Field Mosque, Bandung =============== Spread the goodness as widely as possible by sharing this video, subscribing to the channel and activating notifications to get the latest knowledge and information from Ustadz Adi Hidayat, Lc., MA. Official Social Media : / adihidayatofficial / adihidayatofficial https://t.me/adihidayatofficial / adihidayatofficial To support the Dakwah Development Activities of the Quantum Akhyar Institute, donations can be channeled through: 1. BTN Syariah Account (BTN bank code: 200) Account Number 7122 082 337 an Quantum Akhyar Institute Foundation For Islamic Center Land Endowment Quantum Akhyar Institute 2. Bank Syariah Mandiri Account (BSM bank code: 451) Account Number 7088 490 228 an Ibrohim Hanif For Dakwah Operations 3. Bank Syariah Mandiri Account (BSM bank code: 451) Account Number 7123 985 634 an Ita Haryati For Al-Qur'an Memorization Book Endowment