The Net of the Law Shakes the Sky Season 5 Episode 14 Justice Bao Chinese Drama Chinese Drama Chinese Drama Khmer Chinese Drama Synopsis: As the Autumn Verdict approaches, all provincial and district administrations will submit the list of prisoners sentenced to death in their territories to the higher government for legal judgment. Bao Zheng has always been cautious about executing death row prisoners, fearing that a slight oversight could lead to the loss of life. After reviewing the documents and sighing, he always felt a lot of suspicion about the case of Sun Qiang's soldiers robbing people. Real estate in Shangzhou under his jurisdiction, so he decided to go to Shangzhou in person to find out the details. Contact: Telegram: https://t.me/hitdramacam The Law of the Sky, Episode 5, Episode 14, Justice Bao, Chinese drama, Chinese drama, Chinese drama in Khmer, Chinese drama, Full HD 1080p, Iron Court, Chinese Bao, hit drama, cambodia, hit drama cambodia, Chinese drama in Khmer, Khmer, Hong Kong drama, Hong Kong drama in Khmer, Hong Kong drama, Hong Kong drama in Khmer, tvb drama, tvb cambodia drama, tvb drama, tvb drama cambodia, chinese drama speak khmer, khmer dubbed, chinese drama khmer dubbed, chinese movie, chinese movie speak khmer