The Queen of Spades is a short story written by Aleksandr Pushkin in 1833, considered one of his prose masterpieces. The story revolves around Hermann, a young officer obsessed with discovering the secret of three cards that are said to guarantee victory in the game. Pushkin, an avid card player, drew on his own experience with the game to build the atmosphere of mystery and tension that surrounds the story. This tale combines elements of the fantastic and the psychological, exploring themes such as greed, obsession and destiny. Follow me on my networks: INSTAGRAM -- / donfilosofo TIKTOK -- / donfilosofo TELEGRAM -- https://t.me/donfilosofo FACEBOOK -- / donfilosofo SECONDARY CHANNEL -- / @donfilosofoinstantaneo #frases #audiolibrocompleto #audiolibro #audiolibroscompletos #donfilosofo #filosofia #literaturaclasica #literaturarusa Be a member of this channel to access benefits: / @don.filosofo