#Amr_bin_Wadd #Ali_bin_Abi_Talib #The_knight_who_terrified_the_Arabs #The_story_of_Amr_bin_Wadd #The_bravest_knights_of_the_Arabs #The_strongest_knights_of_the_Arabs #The_fiercest_knights_of_the_Arabs #The_10_strongest_knights The story of the knight who terrified the Arabs and faced Omar Ibn Al-Khattab and killed Ali Ibn Abi Talib. Who is he? And what is his story? The story of Omar Ibn Wad, the knight who tried to confront the Prophet? Who is he and what is his story? Hello and welcome to the followers of the Masbahoun channel. Today we will show you the story of Amr Ibn Wad, the knight who tried to confront the Prophet? Who is he and what is his story? So don't forget to subscribe to the channel and like the video