Last week Friday, November 1, at 11:11 a.m., members of the Virumaa Põlisrahvaste Seltsingu, as well as representatives of indigenous peoples from other counties and active citizens, gathered at the Aru-Lõuna limestone quarry to express their concern about the government's plans to start phosphorite mining. Despite the cold and rainy weather, a considerable number of people were present, and from the shots taken from above, you can count at least 100 machines heading towards the quarry. Speeches were made there, instruments were played and songs were sung, and lively discussions took place among the people. I asked Timo Kalaus, the presenter of "Voice of Kunglarahva" and Kristjan Moora, a representative of the indigenous people of Saaremaa, what their biggest concerns are regarding the phosphorite mining plans and what, in their opinion, would be the best solutions to stop these plans. A longer recording of what happened in the limestone quarry of Aru-Lõuna, which can be viewed here: http://www.vastupanuliikume.ee/, is visible only to owners of the paid package of the Resistance Movement, with whose help this event was recorded. If you also want to contribute to the activities of the Vanglaplaneet portal and see a longer recording, you can purchase the paid package of the Resistance movement here: https://vanglaplaneet.ee/vastupanu/to....