Jiraiya is one of the most beloved characters in Naruto Shippuden, but what many people don't stop to analyze is the legend behind this character. Not only his impact, but also his life in general. In Naruto Shippuden, we can learn more about his past, his tragic life, and his existence full of sacrifices. We all love Jiraiya and remember him fondly. That's why I decided to make this video, to talk about this man who gave us so much joy, so much happiness and fun. It's important not to forget him and to make sure that he always lives in our memories. Chapters: 00:00 introduction to who jiraiya is 00:41 top of jiraiya's best moments 01:06 #3 position Jiraiya says goodbye to Sutnade 02:23 #2 position Jiraiya meets Naruto 03:34 #1 position Jiraiya teaches Naruto the Rasengan 05:30 The tragic story of Jiraiya 06:24 Jiraiya travels to the mount of the toads 08:23 Jiraiya is in love with Sutnade 09:43 Jiraiya begins his training to control the sage mode 10:22 Jiraiya fights in the second shinobi world war 12:00 Jiraiya meets Konan, Nagato and Jahiko 20:00 The tragedy of Konan, Nagato and Jahiko 22:00 Minato and Jiraiya 23:57 Naruto and jiraiya