Set 30 days after Emergence Day, 14 years before Gears of War 1, it tells the story of Kilo Squad, a commando unit led by two old acquaintances of the series: Damon Baird and Augustus Cole. They will be joined by new characters such as Sofia Hendrick and Garron Paduk, in their attempt to save the besieged city of Halvo Bay from a new and terrible enemy known as General Karn. For the first time in the series, “Gears of War: Judgment” ushers in a revolutionary system called “Declassified Missions” that will alter elements of the Campaign mode such as events and scenarios to offer a new experience. REMEMBER TO SHARE AND LIKE, I WILL APPRECIATE IT ► MY COMMENTED GAMEPLAY CHANNEL: / ramecadenasmx ► MY CAMPAIGN CHANNEL IN ENGLISH: / ramecadenasgp ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜCONTACTஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ► SOCIAL AND BUSINESS TWITTER: / ramecadenas FACEBOOK: / ramecadenas INSTAGRAM: / ramecadenas TWITCH: / ramecadenasmx ► BUSINESS ONLY EMAIL: [email protected] 'Gears of War Judgment Part 1 Spanish Latino' ''Gears of War Judgment Part 2 Spanish Latin'' ''Gears of War Judgment Part 3 Spanish Latin'' ''Gears of War Judgment Part 4 Spanish Latin'' ''Gears of War Judgment Part 5 Spanish Latin'' ''Gears of War Judgment Part 6 Spanish Latin'' ''Gears of War Judgment Part 7 Latin Spanish'' ''Gears of War Judgment Part 8 Latin Spanish'' ''Gears of War Judgment Part 9 Latin Spanish'' ''Gears of War Judgment Part 10 Latin Spanish'' ''Gears of War Judgment Final Part Latin Spanish'' ''Gears of War Judgment Walkthrough Part 1 Latin Spanish'' ''Gears of War Judgment Walkthrough Part 2 Latin Spanish'' ''Gears of War Judgment Walkthrough Part 3 Latin Spanish'' ''Gears of War Judgment Walkthrough Part 4 Latin Spanish'' ''Gears of War Judgment Walkthrough Part 5 Latin Spanish'' ''Gears of War Judgment Walkthrough Part 6 Latin Spanish'' ''Gears of War Judgment Walkthrough Part 7 Latin Spanish'' ''Gears of War Judgment Walkthrough Part 8 Latin Spanish ''Gears of War Judgment Walkthrough Part 9 Spanish Latino'' ''Gears of War Judgment Walkthrough Part 10 Latin Spanish'' ''Gears of War Judgment Walkthrough Final Part Latin Spanish'' ''Gears of War Judgment Gameplay in Latin Spanish'' ''Gears of War Judgment Gameplay in Spanish'' ''Gears of War Judgment ramecadenas''