ACCESS THE LINK: https://www.manual.com.br/queda-de-ca... Catalonia is an autonomous region of Spain that often touches on the subject of its independence and if you want to know a little more about this region, just stay tuned for today's video. References CHAVES, E. Crisis in Spain causes rebirth of separatist clamor in Catalonia. Portal Terra, September 30, 2012.. Available at: http://noticias.terra.com.br/mundo Albert Balcells (2004). History of Catalunya. Barcelona: L'esfera dels llibres _________________________________ HELP VOGALIZANDO CONTINUE BRINGING QUALITY CONTENT TO YOU: Consider becoming a member! / vogalizando a história PIX key which is also our email: [email protected] Presentation and script: @vitorvogel Direction and editing: @mviricimo Follow us on @vogalizandoahistoria History in 1 minute on TikTok Listen to our podcast on Spotify! Search for Vogalizando a História