LIBERAL DEMOCRAT SOCIALIST MEMDUH BAYRAKTAROĞLU TELLS 06 NOVEMBER 2024 TIME: 16.30 GOOD DAYS ARE LONG BEHIND, GET READY FOR DISASTER DAYS. USA HAS BEEN SURRENDERED TO A HOMONGOLOS. Donald Trump's re-election as US President will have good and bad consequences in Turkey-US relations. Before looking at those consequences, let's briefly recall Trump's first term... Trump implemented protectionist trade policies in his first term. If he continues the same kind of policies: It could have a very negative impact on the Turkish economy both abroad and at home. Economist Writer Memduh Bayraktaroğlu's colorful comments on economy, politics and life, full of jokes, anecdotes and stories... https://www.liberalsosyalist.com / memduhtv / liberalsosyalist / liberalsosyalist