Technological and demographic transformations are completely changing the job market. In your life, you will have many careers, many of which do not even exist yet. How can you be prepared for this? This was the theme of the TEDx Talk by economist Ricardo Amorim during TEDxDanteAlighieriSchool. Ricardo Amorim is the author of the bestseller Depois da Tempestade, host of Manhattan Connection on Globonews and the most influential economist in Brazil, according to Forbes magazine. He is also a columnist for IstoÉ magazine and the most influential Brazilian on LinkedIn. He is the only Brazilian among the best global speakers at Speakers Corner and winner of the Most Admired in the Press of Economics, Business and Finance award. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx