The third protagonist of Earth Heroes is George Smith Patton, who led the US armored forces during World War II. Patton studied tank tactics early on, judging that "tanks are the most powerful force on the battlefield," and is called the "father of modern warfare." He is also the American commander most feared by the Germans during World War II due to his strong drive and unique leadership. However, despite his brilliant achievements, he was also a figure who was heavily criticized for his oppressive command and brutality. Sometimes a violent and arrogant soldier, sometimes a soldier who pioneered mechanized warfare, Patton's evaluations are mixed. In episode 3 of Earth Heroes, we will take a look at Patton's activities as a soldier and his human side. Please check out the real face of the eccentric general, Patton, with Dr. Im Yong-han. Meet him every Friday at 8 p.m. on KFN-TV and KFN YouTube~