Fewer conflicts and better relationships? How can you bring hostile groups back together? In the famous summer camp experiment (Robbers Cave Experiment, 1961), the boys at a summer camp were reconciled. The key to success: pursuing common goals. This classic experiment still provides inspiration for social psychology, educational psychology and pedagogical psychology. Study: University of Oklahoma. Institute of Group Relations, & Sherif, M. (1961). Intergroup conflict and cooperation: The Robbers Cave experiment (Vol. 10, pp. 150-198). Norman, OK: University Book Exchange. https://www.psychologie-lernen.de Author: Diplom-Psychologe Eskil Burck BOOK: WHAT TO DO WHEN CHILDREN DON'T LISTEN? https://psychologie-lernen.de/was-tun... New psychology of persuasion - The book: http://psychologie-lernen.de/?page_id... The power of the situation - The book: http://psychologie-lernen.de/die-mach... The manipulated brain - The book: http://psychologie-lernen.de/das-mani... Book: Fear - What really helps against fear and panic attacks? (https://psychologie-lernen.de/buecher...) #Socialpsychology #Educationalpsychology #Educationalpsychology #Study #sherif