A 70-year-old grandmother monk who raised abandoned cats one by one and became a mother to cats, and her 30 temple cats who follow the monk around the temple all day and even pray! Introducing a day in the temple that has become a paradise for cats! A swan that jumped up the mountain... and in an instant found pine mushrooms 👉 • #AnimalTheaterBestFriends I [Full Version] A swan that jumped up the mountain... and in an instant... **Severe insults directed at the cast may be deleted without prior notice. ※ Episode information: Animal Theater BFFs Episode 2 (2022.03.04.) #Legend #Cat #Temple #Monk #AbandonedCat #AnimalChildcare #AnimalTheaterBFFs #Puppy #Animal #BFFs #CompanionPet #CompanionDog #AnimalDocumentary #AnimalEntertainment #GeniusDog #AnimalTVYouTubeOriginal #YouTubeOriginal #AnimalDocumentaryYouTube #DogGong #Countryside #Cat #CompanionCat