You can find several videos on YouTube teaching you how to draw a menu on an LCD display. However, drawing alone is not enough to put a MENU in your project. My course is two hours long and you have a 30-day guarantee. Enjoy! https://professorderobotica.com/curso... Where can I find the i2c_scanner.ino code? In the Arduino IDE (in program 1.8.19) go to File, Examples, Wire, i2c_scanner This program is part of the Wire library I2c communication library with the 16x02 display LiquidCrystal_I2C by Marco Schwartz 1.1.2 Telegram group: https://t.me/+spQA8D2hqqNiYzkx Programming a menu on the 1602 lcd display with remote control https://go.hotmart.com/N89167493L Aliexpress component links: https://arquivos.roboticaparatodos.co...