▼Click here for the job application form https://forms.gle/WQT1GcXrKLWwnGA1A ▼For work, collaboration requests or inquiries, please contact [email protected] ▼Travel Channel is here / @yuta_misaki ▼TikTok https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSJs3Wgmt/ ▼X / misakism13 ▼instagram / yuta_misaki ▼threads https://www.threads.net/@yuta_misaki ▼Misaki Yuta STAFF X is here / misakiytstaff ▼Misaki Yuta's new book "The Aesthetics of Earning Billions" https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/429903080X It has been well received, reaching number one in the Amazon overall rankings!! It is a masterpiece that embodies my life! Read this and become rich! ▼Misaki Yuta's new book "The Man Who Makes Time" [Amazon] https://kdq.jp/5z4uv ▼For fan letters and presents, please go here: 2-14-4 Kita-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0061 6th floor Misaki Holdings Co., Ltd. To: Misaki Yuta #Misaki Yuta #Businessman