Rick and Morty creator Justin Roiland recently released a new comedy series called Solar Opposites. Episode 7 of the series, titled 'Terry and Korvo Steal a Bear', tells a dystopian sci-fi story like The Platform and Snowpiercer. Is Platform great? No, nothing compared to this series. Is Fight Club criticizing the system? No, if this series is Elon Musk, then Fight Club is like Nokia. Today we'll talk about Rick and Morty creator Justin Roiland and Mike McMahan's comedy series Solar Opposites for Hulu and the incredible story in it. ????Before You Go to the Magnificent Movie Instagram page / filmegitmedenonce ???? Our website that has been revived filmegitmedenonce.com 00:00 entry 00:50 how do I watch the series? 01:30 The series' plot and butter beer 02:39 review 03:30 in-depth review You can become a member of the channel and buy us a coffee once a month to access videos in advance, join special live broadcasts and help us plan everything more easily! / @filmegitmedenonce How much money do I get from Netflix? • How Much Money Do I Get From Netflix For Love 101... 3 Spider-Man, one movie • 3 Spider-Man, one movie! WILL FINALLY Happen Which is the Best Spider-Man? • Which is the Best SPIDER-MAN? This video is narrated by Can Başak: https://www.instagram.com/canbasak65/...