???? Price Discount: https://bit.ly/DescontoNoPreco ????Their Discount: https://bit.ly/3QltJko ✔️ Escorrega o Preço: https://bit.ly/escorregaextensao I went to Tiozão to get my goods and took the opportunity to take the flipperzero and play terror there ???? #ratoborrachudo #retro #flipperzero ???? Like - ???? Subscribe to the channel -???? Activate the bell ► Eu Sou o Douglas Channel: / eusouodouglas ► Cortes do Ratão Channel [OFFICIAL]: / @livesdoratao ???? LIVES: RatoBorrachudo - ???? Twitter: RatoBorrachudo ???? Instagram: RatoBorrachudo ►Become a member of the channel: https://bit.ly/membrodoratao Commercial Contact: [email protected]