Today we're taking another close look at the cheapest programmable solar charge controller. I showed this device here on the channel over three years ago and have received a lot of feedback about it since then. It's now time to face the truth about this very popular controller. I'm testing and showing that the controller doesn't actually regulate anything and doesn't maintain the set voltage values. The PWM module is activated but when the battery is full, it just keeps charging. For many batteries, this will lead to overcharging and premature degradation. We'll use an oscilloscope to search and make the charging and malfunctioning behavior visible. Part 1: Is this the cheapest (programmable) solar charge controller on the market? Part 1 • Is this the cheapest (programmable... The table oscilloscope is available here: https://off-grid-garage.com/measureme... Cheap adjustable MPPT solar charge controller 12-48V and 40-100A: https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_Dep... Donation link for a beer! Thank you, you are the best! https://paypal.me/square7 -- My other channels on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@andys-garage...