???? Location: Saint Remy de Provence - France ???????? La Camargue en liberté » designed by Renaud Vinuesa, allows you to discover the games of herdsmen, the bull and horse herds in freedom, the abrivados, Camargue races, and ancestral games. With the history of Crin blanc and the elegance of the Arlésiennes as a backdrop, the magic of a territory is revealed through sketches that mix modernity and tradition. ************************************************************** #️⃣ #camargue #camarguetourism #rice #horses #bulls #camarguebulls #mas #tourism #bouchesdurhone #horses #gardian #saintremydeprovence #bull #horses #arlesiennes #show #riders #traditions ***************************************************************** ???? Filmed in high quality 4K, year 2017. Activate the optional subtitles [CC] in English (United Kingdom) and French to follow the comments. ************************************************************** ???? Learn more about Saint Remy de Provence: https://www.mairie-saintremydeprovenc... ******************************************************************** ???? Subscribe! If you like my videos, give them a like ???? and subscribe to the channel Mes escapades. @norbertbouzigues ????️ Instagram: / bouziguesnorbert