Companies whose shares are traded on the stock exchange are required to publicly disclose periodic financial reports, including the income statement. These reports can be used by investors to select which shares to buy and also to determine when it is time to sell. In fact, the information contained in financial reports is the basis for financial and fundamental analyses, used by investors with long-term strategies. However, to use this information correctly, you need to know how to read and understand the reports, something that you don't learn in school. Therefore, analyzing a company's income statement on the stock exchange ends up being a challenge for many novice investors. To solve this problem, we prepared this video with our investment expert Felipe Vieira. Here you will review the concept of income statement and discover that it is not that difficult to interpret all those numbers. This way, it will be much easier to determine whether the company is in good financial health and decide whether it is worth having these shares in your portfolio. So, watch until the end and learn how to analyze the income statement! DRE, or Income Statement, is a type of report that presents an overview of the company's performance over a given period, based on its revenues, costs, operating expenses, and non-operating expenses. Legally, companies whose shares are traded on the stock exchange must present at least one DRE per year, but it is common for this report to be released more frequently. After all, it is not only useful for investors, but also for managers themselves, who use its information to make decisions about the business. Do you have any questions or suggestions? Feel free to leave them here in the comments! Still have questions? Send us an email [email protected] ???????????? Happy investing! ???????????? Follow our content on the network ⤵️ ⤵️ ⤵️ ???? Telegram: https://t.me/maisretorno ???? Read more at: https://maisretorno.com/ ???? Podcast: https://linktr.ee/retornocast ???? Instagram: @mais_retorno ???? Facebook: Mais Retorno ???? Twitter: @mais_retorno ???? Linkedin: Mais Retorno