The Bulli is being blasted! Underbody sandblasting / VW T2 Bulli restoration Together with the company Prekwinkel from Herford, we are fighting the final battle against rust! We decided to have the entire underbody of the car sandblasted after we had removed all the axle parts, cables and engine. Even if it hurts to see the Bulli so bare and battered, sandblasting is indispensable in the fight against the rot. We are visibly nervous about the action, as this step ultimately decides how much work we have to do with the welding work. A big thank you goes to the nice colleagues at Prekwinkel - our reliable partner for blasting and coating work - who kindly blasted the car for us to support our project! https://www.prekwinkel-herford.de/ *** Why the infomercial? As you have already noticed, all of our videos have the lettering in the top right corner. We have taken this measure provisionally to protect ourselves legally. Since we refinance our restoration and rally project mainly through sponsors and partner companies, so from time to time we use and show parts that have been sponsored, we have decided to mark all of our videos as "advertising". As soon as we actively advertise for a company, we will of course inform you in the video and in the description. Follow us: Instagram: / freigeistadventures / spurtreu_classics Facebook: / freigeistadventures / spurtreu-classics-162184410558762 Web: https://www.freigeist-adventures.de/ https://spurtreu-classics.de/ Music: https://www.epidemicsound.com/ Business inquiries Media: [email protected] Car: [email protected]