The Seven Deadly Sins is a sketch entertainment series produced by Yleisradio that was completed in 1988. It was the first of the skit entertainment series made by the members of the Lapinlahti Linnut band. The series included staged skits and musical performances. The 7-part series was shown for the first time in October-November 1988. The series was rerun in the spring of 2003. Two episodes of the series were rerun on Yle Teema in March 2013. Lapinlahti Linnut later made the sketch series World Wonders (1990), Kuudesti laukevaa (1992) and Muuttuuko with Yleisradio. human (2006). -- Un bouleau se dressait - Chœur de l'armée soviétique, Boris Alexandrov - Audio recording 1:44:06 - 1:44:59