Achieve up to 5 years of profits and results in up to 12 months Click on the link to learn more about the Business Accelerator: https://www.aceleradorempresarial.com... Let's explore the biggest mistakes that small and medium-sized companies often make and how to avoid them. Culture is one of the topics covered in this video. Organizational culture does not come out of nowhere, it is built, piece by piece, by organizations that understand the essential elements for success. What is organizational culture? Organizational culture is the essence of how people who work for the company behave. It evolves over time, as leaders and employees face challenges and make decisions. This culture is based on values, vision and mission that permeate all aspects of the business. 🎙️ Are you new to PodAcelerar? We are the biggest podcast in Brazil, aimed at entrepreneurs, and we have already received big names such as: Roberto Justus, Felipe Titto, João Apolinário, Samuel Pereira, Geraldo Rufino, Flávio Augusto, Cris Arcangeli, Pablo Marçal, Bianca Andrade, among others. 🔸 What was the biggest insight from this episode? To learn more about the Business Accelerator, click on the link below: https://www.aceleradorempresarial.com... Also follow me on Instagram, where I always share extremely valuable and highly exclusive content about management, leadership and processes. 🔸 To follow, just click on this link: /marcusmarquesoficial