We spent a week examining the Opel Rocks-e for you. Many thanks to www.autohaus-koenig.de who made this video possible. Many thanks also to Georg Stollreiter. More information: www.LEVi-ev.de & www.autohaus-koenig.de/neuwagen/opel/rocks-e/ @leichterkommtweiter #vielspassfürwenigsgeld #Opel #Leichterkommtweiter 00:00 Intro 00:26 Collection 02:08 First impression 03:53 Vehicle class 04:38 Exterior 07:02 Interior 09:54 Your questions 13:28 Charging 15:26 School life 17:24 Balancing 18:15 Ending the charge 18:47 Operation 20:32 Reduction gear 21:19 60 km/h 22:07 Ergonomics 23:01 First bar 23:42 Zero to 100 24:13 Headlight flasher 25:20 Offroad 26:13 Third bar 28:13 GPS speed 28:40 fifth bar 30:34 seventh bar 31:02 lighting 31:37 the end is near 33:53 conclusion