Apply now for the free status quo analysis: https://pumpkincareers.com/jetzt-hier... You can download the Target Uni Report for your Bachelor's degree here: https://pumpkincareers.com/report-tar... References: https://pumpkincareers.com/erfahrunge... My SPIEGEL bestseller book: https://nach-ganz-oben.de/ In this video I show you the best European Master's universities in 2024 and what you should know about them. Timestamps: 0:00 Intro 1:16 The typical private universities for the Master (WHU, FS & HHL) 3:27 HSG in St.Gallen 4:30 HEC Paris, LSE and LBS in London 6:42 Oxford & Cambridge as clear institutions 7:44 Other relevant addresses in the UK 9:17 State target universities in Scandinavia 10:50 Target “party” universities in the Mediterranean 13:17 Two great universities in the Netherlands 13:50 EDHEC & ESSEC as much more individual options 14:41 CEMS Master programs with an international character 15:44 Good state target universities in Germany 16:30 Universities with good Bachelors also offer a good Master 16:52 Master application with pumpkin 17:20 Scholarships and duration of the Master 18:21 Outro —----------- Other helpful YouTube videos: My learning technique for 1.0s: • The only learning video you need for the BW... My biography: • MY LIFE TO THIS DAY (Biography David... BECOME AN INVESTMENT BANKER (Guide): • BECOME AN INVESTMENT BANKER The ultimate... BECOME A MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT (Guide): • BECOME A MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT The ultimate... The best universities for a Bachelor's degree: • These are the best universities for business studies... The best universities for a Master's degree: • The best Master's universities in Europe! ALL JOBS AFTER STUDYING BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION: • Business studies: All career options... ALL FINANCE JOBS after studying business administration: • ALL finance jobs explained (2023) —----------- If you are interested in starting a career in investment banking, management consulting or private equity, I have put together some useful links for you here. Business Administration Master Plan: https://bwl-masterplan.com/ Target University Report: https://pumpkincareers.com/target-uni... Investment Banking Analyst Report: https://pumpkincareers.com/investment... Consulting Beginner Report: https://pumpkincareers.com/consulting... You can find an overview of all of our reports published so far here: https://pumpkincareers.com/reports/ Feel free to check out our blog: https://pumpkincareers.com/blog/ If you have any questions that you would like to discuss with me personally, you can also write to me on LinkedIn (David Döbele) or Instagram (david.doebele). LinkedIn: / david-doebele Instagram: / david.doebele TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM8EuCVxY/