Globo Rural program aired on 04/24/2022 where the true ancient art of Bonsai was shown. The Abc do Bonsai website is a unique project that aims to gather information with videos, online sales, articles and tutorials on the art of growing “trees in trays”. Our greatest desire is to ensure that the public does not have to truly search for instructions for their learning, bringing everything together on a single website. Large collection of plants, pots, tools, accessories and much more! Come in and check it out! We serve all of Brazil. https://www.abcdobonsai.com.br Discover the best and best Online Bonsai course today! https://www.cursoabcdobonsaionline.com/ Discover the best and best Online Bonsai course today! https://www.cursoabcdobonsaionline.com/ Visit our social network: Facebook / abcdobonsai Instagram / abcdobonsai Visit our Blog http://blog.abcdobonsai.com #globorural #artimillennial #treesintrays