Teletubbies in Finnish Scary footprints watch online Teletapit full Episode (S15E13) ►Click to order: http://bit.ly/2go3nQe Teletubbies is a British children's program from the second half of the 1990s and the first half of the 2000s, as well as reruns in the second half of the 2010s. The BBC Two show was created by Anne Wood and Andrew Davenport. Its main characters are four different colored creatures called teletapes: Tiivi-Taavi, Hipsu, Laalaa and Pai. They have a television screen in their stomachs and a different shaped antenna on their heads. Teletaps live and adventure in Teletappland, whose rolling terrain is covered with green grass. In June 2014, the BBC announced that the program would return to the screen. At that time, a total of 60 new episodes were ordered. The new series started airing in Finland on Fox on August 12, 2017.