#bread #airfryer #bread #compaocafe #morningcoffee #afternooncoffee #butter @STEP BY STEP WITH KATIA Thinking about helping those who don't know how to do it, I bring in this video, very simple, how to save stale bread, that bread you bought a few days ago, let's save it in the air fryer @Philips saves gas, is very fast and practical, oil-free fryer, it is super soft and tasty, it is to eat praying, try it, it is step by step 😊, delicious 😍 will make your mouth water 😊, easy, very practical 😍, guaranteed success ❤, I hope you like it. If you are enjoying it, don't forget, subscribe to our channel, activate the notification bell, to receive notifications of the next videos. Until the next video 💕😘. • HOW I MAKE SALMON IN THE AIR FRYER - EASY ... INGREDIENTS 😘: • French bread; • water.