In the modern animated film for children, Tatty one day drinks a potion that turns her from a good witch into an evil one, Misifu does not recognize her friend and does everything she can to get Tatty back. How do you think this magical story will end? A funny video for children. 🌈 Previous video: • Tatty and Misifu are looking for a way out of the room... ❤️ The best animated films for children: • Tatty wants to become a doctor and cure... ☀️️ Funny adventures of Tatty and Misifu: • 🎨 Lily draws with magic paint 🦈 Children's... ✨ Animation compilation for children: • The funny adventures of friends T... 😻 Tatty and Misifu - animated films about animals: • Tatty and Misifu help friends... Subscribe to the Tatty and Misifu channel: / @tatty_bulgaria 00:00 The magical adventure of the witch Tatty 08:50 Tatty is stuck in a video game 14:03 A story about giant fruits