This song was recorded live and is an integral part of the web series Falando em Gaita, which is a filmed meeting with masters of the gaucho accordion created by Luciano Maia to tell stories, talk about influences, their relationship with the instrument and career prospects. #FalandoemGaita It's a conversation between accordionists, filled with music from those passionate about the instrument. Technical Details: Cameras and lighting: Erick Corrêa and Leonardo Gadea Executive production: Thaís Maia Audio: Luciano Maia Location and Support: Orlandinho Rocha (Casa da Gaita Ponto) Photos: Giovani Vieira Logo: Thyago Motta Conversation mixing: Luciano Maia Music mixing: Saul Jones (Audio Laser) Editing: Erick Corrêa Sponsorship: Casa Da Gaita Ponto Pampiana accordions Harmonik Microphones Minuano accordions Cordiona Barata Acordeon festival Serrano colchões Support: Total Case