???? In this video: Video, pictures and calls of the pochard Name: Pochard Family: Ducks Characteristic features/appearance: The pochard can be easily recognized by the red coloring of its head. The head and neck are reddish-brown in the male. The chest and tail are black and the rest of the body is light gray to silvery gray. Red eyes. Hybrids: There are many crosses between the different diving ducks. The offspring have the characteristics of both parents. In the video you can see a pochard with yellow eyes instead of red. The coloring of the plumage is also slightly different. Size: 40-50 cm Weight: 450-1200 g Age: 23 years Females: The plumage of the female is gray-brown, the back and flanks are white-gray. The eyes are black with a light eye stripe. Song/calls: Little can be heard from the males, only quiet, whistling calls during courtship. When startled, females call out a rasping "bree-ah", especially when in flight. Breeding season: April-August, 1 annual brood, 24-28 day incubation period Nest: on the ground in the shoreline, rarely in tree hollows Clutch size: 7-11 eggs Diet: forages on the bottom of water for plant and animal food. Habitat: Breeding areas predominantly in eastern Germany, on ponds, lakes and quiet rivers. Natural enemies: fox, marten, raccoon and raccoon dog Migratory behavior: resident bird or short and medium distance migrant Endangered: The pochard is slightly endangered and is already on the early warning list Source: Pixabay, Adobe Stock, Kosmos bird guide, Xeno-Canto, Wikipedia ...and here is my blog: https://www.federchens-gartenglueck.d... Facebook: Federchens Gartenglück Instagram: federchens_gartenglueck COME OUT WITH ME TO ARRIVE IN YOURSELF! You can find further information here: https://www.federchens-gartenglueck.de #pochard #birdportrait #birdprofile #birdsonghike #naturecoaching #forestbathing #garden #closetonature #biodiversity #bees #insects #environmentalprotection #nestingaids #naturespirituality #ornithology #ornithology #forestwalk #forestfriends #loveofforest #experienceofnature #poweroftrees #loveofnature #forestbathing #insectdiversity #theklabudniok #federchensgartenglueck #naturalhealingspaces