Hello everyone!! I'm teacher MICHELLA AMORIM and today I bring you a super interesting video for you to learn basic math from scratch.📚 TO CHECK OUT OTHER CONTENT HERE IS OUR PLAYLIST: • SYSTEM OF EQUATIONS BY THE SU... MY OTHER CHANNEL ONLY WITH EXERCISES: / @aprendermatematicaa SYSTEM EXERCISES FOR YOU TO PRACTICE: • EXERCISE SYSTEM OF EQUATIONS BY THE SU... We have daily educational content, focused on basic mathematics step by step. A hug to all and may GOD be with you. LET'S STUDY TOGETHER🚀🚀!! In mathematics, a set of simultaneous equations, also known as a system of equations, is a finite set of equations for which we are looking for solutions. #euaprendicomamor #education #basicmathematics 🤯😱🤯😱 tags: equation, systems, systems of equations, second-degree equation