What to visit in 3 days in Assisi (Perugia) the city of Peace - If I were asked what Assisi is, I would answer it is simply a spiritual beacon. The presence of the mortal remains of Saint Francis, of the memories of his human and Christian experience, of his spirituality are for all of us, for the city of Assisi and for humanity as a whole a gift and an invaluable resource. The history and testimony of Saint Francis, the main lines of his personality tell us of a man in love with Jesus Christ, brother of every man because he is the image of Christ. On this basis, Francis built all his relationships with others and began his mission in the society of his time, attracting, almost bewitching, thousands of men and women. Proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ, a relationship of brotherhood and respect with every man, indeed with every being, a positive and optimistic vision of life and history, saved by Jesus Christ... these are the elements that have made us recognize Francis as the universal brother, the man of dialogue and peace.