Everyone knows swordtails, even those who have never encountered the aquarium world. Swordtails have gained such fame due to their wide distribution, as well as due to a special sign - a sword-shaped tail fin. In fact, it is for this tail that swordtails got their name. Swordtails belong to the family of viviparous toothed carps. The body is elongated, flattened from the sides. The most suitable water temperature for keeping representatives of the species is 22-26 ° C, however, the fish can tolerate a short-term decrease in the indicator to 15 ° C without harm to health. The acidity of the water should be within 7-8, hardness - 6-25 °. It is recommended to keep swordtails in an aquarium in a school, with at least 2-3 females per male. Otherwise, the males regularly arrange fights, during which they inflict serious injuries on each other. A large aquarium is required for such a group of fish. The smallest possible tank volume is 50 l, but for greater comfort it is advisable to keep a school of 100 l. The shape of the tank is preferably rectangular and horizontally oriented, since these fish are quite large and need space for swimming.