Singer Otto returned to Brazil after 2 years in Paris. During this time, he has changed a lot physically and his mind has become a little more open! 👀 To celebrate the return, there's nothing better than a chat with friends, right?! The problem is when this is combined with a lot of drinking, a small town and a procession on the way 😂! #FabioPorchat #QueHistoriaEEssaPorchat #Otto Subscribe to the GNT channel: http://bit.ly/canalGNT Watch the full programs on Globoplay + Channels: http://bit.ly/GloboplayCanaisGNT Website: https://gnt.globo.com/ Facebook: / gnt Instagram: / gnt Twitter: / canalgnt Pinterest: / canalgnt Recipes Youtube: / recipes Facebook: / recipes Instagram: / recipes Pinterest: / recipes Casa GNT Youtube: / casagnt Instagram: / casagnt