It's a secret that the combo variations only increase in 2 vs 1 situationsI want to be able to find an opening and work together in 2 vs 2 situationsPrevious (Part 19) → • [Super Smash Bros. Ultimate] Somehow, Ganon arrives at the answer to Ganon's quest and goes on a rampage as he pleases... Ganon compilation → • [Super Smash Bros. Ultimate] Watch it all at once! You can get a year's worth of Ganon in just this one video [Compilation] Kazuya compilation → • [Smash Bros. Ultimate] Reimu Kazuya's growth story from joining the smash team to becoming a shitty character [Compilation] Solo slow commentary → • [Slow commentary] The most fast-paced Ganon in Smash Bros. history, both in play and commentary (... Splatoon 3 → • [Splatoon 3] [Compilation] Reimu, the top-ranked Ganon in Smash Bros., talks about her skill level from her first try at Splatoon... Watermelon game → • [Watermelon game] Watch it all in one go! A compilation of Reimu's emotional first double watermelon win [Slow... Software used: Aviutl, Yukkuri MovieMaker4, Yukusaku, MikuMikuDance Materials used: Kitsune Yukkuri, Reimu, Marisa, Niconico Commons, Sound Effect Lab, Maoudamashii, DOVA-SYNDROME, H/MIX GALLERY, On-Jin ~Otojin, Pocket Sound - @pocketse #SmashBros #SmashBros.SP #SlowLive